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The Upad©


Perhaps you have begun to think about downsizing your home, but are conflicted as the all too common thoughts emerge: how will I retain the equity I have earned over the years? What degree of living quality will I give up in the transition? Truthfully, these are legitimate concerns that face empty nesters and retirees who want to retain the same investment and living qualities of their current three too five thousand square foot homes, but who also want to scale down in terms of sheer size, expense and maintenance work.

Stonemill developments has not only innovated to meet these needs, but they have done so much more. Stonemill’s Upad, highlighted in The Green Architechure Magazine (see "Stonemill In The News" tab), is an all encompassing personal residence, investment, and lifestyle concept that is unparalleled in todays market. Imagine a three storey, eighteen hundred square foot apartment with convenient elevator access and a modern open concept layout. Now picture high end finishes and extensive interior glass work, all strung together with ten foot ceilings and beautiful large porches that suite an air of luxury.

Stonemill has truly perfected the art of accommodating the client’s desire for a reduced footprint, but without leaving them feeling like they’re giving something up anything in the process. But what really sets the Upad apart goes beyond its physical appeal. Both affordable and financially-savvy, the Upad will be set up to provide the owner with upwards of six thousand dollars in rental income per month; effectively, this will create a waterfall income that slims down expenses by simply renting out the first and/or second floor. This is the perfect way for folks to turn their nest egg into a long-term investment that can support their lifestyles without draining the bank accounts, or eating up equity.

The Upad is about individual needs, changing circumstances, and the ultimate retirement lifestyle. Provided its concrete slab floors and roof, the Upad will also be set up to accommodate an additional story should zoning change in the future; nevertheless, the Upad can change as individual needs and lifestyle changes. ideally located within walking distance to core shopping districts that would typically provide the right zoning for the property, the Upad could be built across the GTA from Burlington through to Toronto.